Cory and Edith Passes

Summer is officially over, but there is still lots of warm weather to take advantage of, and I wanted a good look at Mount Louis after the half-glimpses from the highway at 100 km/h.

The trail around Mount Edith climbs steeply up to Cory Pass (2360m). The first part is through forest and doesn't offer much (and the constant hum of traffic from Highway 1 isn't great), but once we got close to treeline, the views were splendid. At the centre of it all was Mount Edith, a very impressive looking peak that dwarfed everything around it.

Our first good view of Mount Edith (2553m), with Cory Pass on the left

We stopped at Cory Pass to have a leisurely lunch and marvel at the impressive view of Mount Louis (2682m). Rock formations in the area, known an Gargoyle Valley, were quite interesting.

A well-fed chipmunk sharing our views

Mount Louis is a popular climb, with the easiest route at 5.6/7. Not a trivial route though, as there have been rescues off the face (although no fatalities as far as I know).

Two climbers high up the Kain Route on Mount Louis. You can orient yourself using the next photo by looking for a small dimple on the right shoulder

There were several parties hiking the loop in the opposite direction as us, which we found kind of strange. I'd much rather do a steep uphill and gentle downhill than the reverse, but to each their own I guess.

A view of Mount Louis from Cory Pass

We also encountered two groups of trail runners. Looked like fun!

One last look

From Cory Pass, the rest of the trail is mostly downhill, traversing high upon the north slopes of Mount Edith.

Heading down Gargoyle Valley

At some point, we crossed Edith Pass, although it is so unremarkable that I didn't even realize it until we were well past. The most interesting part of the entire hike is definitely in the Cory Pass area.

A fat and surprisingly unperturbed grouse

I will definitely come back to this area again, not for the hike but for one of the more interesting destinations; the Kain Route (5.6/7) on Mount Louis, scrambling up (moderate / difficult) Mount Edith, or scrambling up (easy / moderate) Mount Cory.

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