Keelhaul Wall, Kid Goat

Keelhaul Wall is the first route ever climbed on Kid Goat, and as Nicolas had never climbed Kid Goat before, it seemed like a good introduction to the mountain.

In keeping with my reputation, I went horribly off-route on the first pitch and ended up dislodging some major rocks, one of which I was standing on (prior to placing any protection). Sketched out, I managed to find the proper route, 2 bolts past where I should have been. I eventually reached the top of the first pitch as I saw another party start up on Gray Waves.

The rest of the route went in a less exciting manner, except for a bit of rain that fell on us at the top of pitch 2, at which point the other party rapped off. The rain only lasted 5 minutes or so, and things dried up immediately.

Pitches 2 through 5 were quite good, the rock being much more solid and the pro, while infrequent, being more reliable and trustworthy.

As we were walking off, the rains started again, and by the time we got back to the car, it was coming down in earnest. Good timing!

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