Narao Shoulder

Conditions were fantastic in the trees off of Narao Shoulder.

The new snow raised avalanche hazard significantly, but getting out was a necessity as conditions continue to be thin and desperate. We knew the Yoho area had a good base from our previous week's foray to Sherbrooke Lake, so skiing the trees off of Narao Shoulder seemed like a good plan.

Lake O'Hara fire road
We turned off of the Lake O'Hara fire road a bit past the 1km mark at a break in the trees, following what appeared to be a very faint drainage. Travel was difficult as the snow was unconsolidated and we would frequently break through to ground.

Things turned cold once we go above treeline
The snow at treeline was all windslabs, and above was scoured clean. But just a few metres into the trees yielded fantastic conditions for skiing back down. We found a couple of open areas that gave us some clean turns, and the trees in general were spaced quite generously.

All in all, a great day out. We managed our risk, found some turns, and had a great day in the mountains!

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