Beautiful Century, Nanny Goat

Every spring, it seems to rain more than it did the year before.

Of course, this is just selective memory. Looking at the historical data, it rained more back in 2007. However, it doesn't mean this year's rains haven't canceled their share of outdoor activities.

Russ and I planned to climb Beautiful Century on Nanny Goat (5.10a, 7 pitch sport). We knew driving in that there was a very low chance of the route being dry, but I needed to get out to the mountains, even if it was only to hike in the mud and drizzle.

Hiking in past the dump, we had a steady light rain keeping things wet. Being resigned to not doing our planned route, we decided to scope out the teaching cliffs, called Tim's Crag.

Cave at the far left end of Tim's Cliffs

There are several routes at Tim's Crag, and they all look fairly easy. I couldn't spot any anchors, so I'm not sure exactly how high it goes. Maybe I'll come back sometime to try the routes.

After our little scouting mission, I wanted to get to the base of Beautiful Century, just to know where the route started. Unfortunately, we missed the turnoff from the Goat Slabs trail and had to bushwhack a bit to gain the scree slope. The rest of the approach to Nanny Goat was a slog.

Waterfall coming down the Nanny Goat gully

The route was predictably soaking wet, but the rock felt quite good, so I'm eager to try this out in the near future.

The first bolt of Beautiful Century

As is always the case, blue skies emerged as we were heading back towards the car. However, the air was still damp and we figured it would be a couple of hours (at a minimum) before the route dried. We got back to Calgary around 11:30am, early enough to still make something of the day.

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